Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Malawian of the Moment - What is it?

So for those of you following along at home, you may remember that I am working on a photo project of portraits of interesting people I meet in Malawi. The first photo that inspired this whole idea is this guy here.

I dig it.

It is my first time doing something like this, but having a whole year left in my service and an abundance of time at site, I thought it would be a great opportunity to take on something a little bit artistic and interesting to me.

All of the portraits are going to be in black and white, because I think that when you see a picture of someone’s face without color, you really focus on the content of the image and come up with your own idea of who the person is. I think that a lot of people tend to gloss over this in a color image.

With black and white your brain has to do extra work filling in the missing information, and maybe it adds some along the way. At least that is how it works for me - I feel more pulled in.

So while I am working on this, I thought I would tie it to interviews of some of the most significant of those humans I meet along the way. The questions from person to person will differ, and it doesn’t have to only be Malawian citizens – just people that are contributing to the social landscape of the country, Peace Corps volunteers and Expats included.

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