Saturday, February 14, 2015

Looking Forward

So, 2 weeks of preparation for the new volunteers is through. We had a blast working together to get ready for their arrival. I am blown away that I have been here almost a year, and I am so excited to greet them as they come off of the plane. I look forward to seeing the excitement and apprehension on their faces as they soak up all the newness.

I remember arriving and thinking about how little I understood about life abroad and the Peace Corps, and I also remember thinking how interesting it would be to sit on the resource volunteer side of things watching all of it unfold as new volunteers get a grasp on their new life.

I love it here in Malawi. I love the work I am doing, and I love the potential it has to impact even just a few people’s lives, no matter how hard it seems we have to fight for it at times. I really, really hope that some of that rubs off on the new group of trainees. They are a diverse and talented group, and I already want to be friends with ALL OF THEM!! (We resource vols have had the chance to read up on them a bit – new trainees, if you are reading this, we promise we aren’t creeps!... uh, at least not much :p )
          All of the Resource vol's hard at work prepping for the new trainees arrival in March

All said, it has also been a tricky time as I look forward to the next step of my life. This last year will move every bit as fast as the one I just left. Already there are friends from the group before us that I am getting sad to see go – they are readying for COS in april. (COS = Close Of Service). I really don’t know what I will do after Peace Corps, and it is not for lack of interest or options. I literally want to do ALL OF THE THINGS.

Every possible life path and career path that I have been interested in seems open to me. It is just too hard to decide on or plan for at this midpoint.

As a result, when people have been asking me what I want to do after Peace Corps, I have narrowed down to only 3 things that I can realistically think about for the time being.

1. Spend some time catching up with the people I love. I eagerly look forward to seeing my parents, sister, and brothers – I am sure it will be a tear fest of happiness. I also plan on couch surfing for a few weeks or month to visit my MANY good friends around the country.

2. Mountain Biking - duh, I love this shit. I plan on spending more time trail riding with my good friends – I also plan on putting more effort into racing.

3. Rock Climbing - As much as I love mountain biking, I have come to realize that this is the personal passion I want to chase the most. Short term goals after getting back are Redpoint 5.12 outside, and onsite/flash  5.11b and V6 outside. I also want to work on traveling to competitions more. Long term goals are to redpoint 5.13 outside and to travel for climbing as much as possible. I also want to do my part developing in the crags that are near my hometown.

That’s it. That is as far as I have thought. And I am ok with it (for now). Kind of single minded, but these are all ‘gimmes’ given my passions. I have a lot to look forward in the next year of my Peace Corps service, and I am excited to see where the projects in my village go and what new ones develop.

I want to open up to those of you reading this. Have any specific questions about my service? The work I am doing? What it is like to live in a tiny brick hut in the mountains without power or water? What my favorite color is? ASK AWAY! I will do my best to share questions on here and answer them as openly as possible.

What to look for in the coming months
- My parents experience here (They are visiting Malawi for 6 weeks, 2 of which are going to be traveling and visiting with me)
- Pictures of travel down south to meet them
- Climbing in Malawi!
- Featured villager of the month, this will be tied with sneak peaks of my portrait of Malawi photo project
- More pictures!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for updating your blog Andrew! It is always exciting to read about the goings on in your part of the world. It sounds like you are having a great time time learning and growing. Besides the three hobbies you have determined are a necessary part of your life after Malawi, I am sure that you will take multiple career paths over your life; everything is temporary, you don't have to narrow it to just one choice. We love and miss you. Can't wait for your next post. So proud of you my friend. Oh, and you can couch surf at the new house for as long as you'd like, our close date is in just 7 weeks!
